Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section. We aim to provide you with clear and comprehensive answers to common inquiries about our coalition's work and operations.

1. What is FECoMo?

FeCoMo stands for the National Coalition on Freedom of Expression and Content Moderation.

2. What is the coalition's mission and focus?

The coalition is dedicated to promoting and protecting freedom of expression and content moderation. We work to ensure that individuals and organizations can express themselves freely while maintaining a safe online environment for all. Read more about our “mission statement.”

3. How does the coalition operate?

We operate through a collaborative network of individuals, member organizations, development partners and volunteers committed to our mission. We engage in research, advocacy, capacity building initiatives and educational initiatives to drive positive change in the field of content moderation and freedom of expression.

4. What specific areas does the coalition address?

Our coalition focuses on a range of issues, including online content moderation policies, digital rights, online safety, and combating online hate speech and harassment. We address these areas through a combination of research, awareness campaigns, capacity building activities and policy advocacy.

5. How can I get involved with the coalition's work?

We welcome individuals and organizations to join our efforts. You can explore opportunities to participate, such as becoming a member, volunteering, or partnering with us. Check out the “Get Involved” section of our website for more information.

6. Is the coalition open to international participation?

Absolutely! We encourage individuals and organizations from around the world to engage with our work. Many of our activities, resources, and events are designed to influence global impact.

7. How can I stay updated with the coalition's activities and news?

You can subscribe to our newsletter by visiting the “Join Our Mailing List” section. We regularly send out updates, news, and event information to keep you informed about our latest developments. For any questions or support-related matters, please visit the “Contact Us” section.