Search for Common Ground Partners with UNESCO to Build Civil Society Capacities in Digital Peacebuilding

While digital platforms have provided us with immense opportunities, they have also become instrumental platforms for spreading harmful narratives and disinformation with a significant impact on conflict dynamics and peace.

It is in this regard, that UNESCO partnered with Search for Common Ground (SCG) as part of the Social Media 4 Peace project funded by the European Union to strengthen capacities of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) through a virtual workshop on promotion of peacebuilding narratives through digital technologies from 16 to 19 May 2022 in Kenya. This training aimed at equipping representatives of CSOs with requisite competencies and skills on how to leverage technology for peacebuilding, conflict mapping, development and promotion of online peace-building narratives for national cohesion and peaceful co-existence in Kenya. The training workshop attracted the participation of 50 participants drawn from 40 peace-building organizations from across 47 counties in Kenya.

At the opening of the workshop, Ms Misako Ito, Regional Advisor for Communication and Information for Africa at UNESCO stated:

As we know, social media, largely through Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram is increasingly a new space for polarization and divisions. This is why UNESCO is implementing the Social Media 4 Peace project to strengthen the resilience of people to potentially harmful content spread online.”

Mr. Charles Ayako, the Coast Regional Director for ICTs, innovation and Youth Affairs, stated that the government welcomes an initiative that aims to mobilize citizens to build online resilience to hate narratives and disinformation, particularly in the build up to the general elections scheduled for August 2022 in Kenya. He further said:

“The country is currently in an election season with all forms of the media pre-occupied with reporting on perceived outcome issues in elections. The government welcomes such programs that provide opportunities for organizations to discuss their insights on the role of social media in catalyzing and enabling peace among citizens during and after elections.”

He further called upon CSOs to support youth lead initiatives and organizations with requisite skills and competencies to be aware and able to identify, and debunk online harmful narratives and disinformation that is often rampant during election periods.

Also speaking during the launch Ms Judy Kimamo, Swahili Coast Director at Search for Common Ground (SCG) indicated that while the surge of online social media activity has expanded spaces for freedom of expression and information, this has also come with an increased risk that needs to be mitigated. She said:

“The rapid increase of hate speech and mis/disinformation online now risks transforming digital platforms into avenues which amplify social division and incite violence as we head to the next general elections. Therefore this initiative aims at giving us the skills and opportunity to strengthen our communities’ resilience and empower them to use the online space as a tool to promote peace.”

During the workshop, participants were taken through topics such as; understanding social media platforms for peacebuilding; digital advocacy and peacebuilding; digital storytelling for peacebuilding; Countering Hate Speech and Building Resilience in Digital Spaces; Exploring production tools and peacebuilding narratives exercise;

The civil society organizations (CSOs) that participated in the workshop include; Human Rights Development Agenda; Amani Centre; Taita Taveta Human Rights Watch; Ijara Women For Peace; Agency For Peace Initiatives and Inclusive Development; Habiba International Women and Youth Affairs; Northern Pastoralist Youth Development Organization; Catholic and Justice Department; Kirinyaga Women For Peace; Other include: Justice Advocacy and Empowerment Centre; Centre For Community Dialogue Development; United Disabled Persons of Laikipia (UDPL); Centre For Transformational Leadership; Kericho Advocacy Forum for Pwds; Center for Enhancing Democracy and Good Governance; Endorois Indigenous Women Empowerment Network; Sikom Peace Network; Women Volunteers For Peace (WOVOP); Transmara Human Rights Defenders; Transform Empowerment for Action Initiative; and Amani Kibra among others.

About the Social Media 4 Peace Project

UNESCO’s Social Media 4 Peace project is funded by the European Union and seeks to strengthen the resilience of societies to potentially harmful content spread online, in particular hate speech inciting violence while protecting freedom of expression and enhancing the promotion of peace through digital technologies, notably social media.

This project is aligned with UNESCO’s overall strategy to combat disinformation by fostering the information as a public good and strengthening the transparency of the internet ecosystem. The project will contribute to the achievement of SDG 16, to promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies and to the UN Plan of Action on Hate Speech launched by UN Secretary-General Antonio Gutierrez to combat the online disturbing groundswell of xenophobia, racism, and intolerance. 

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